Animal Habitats Worksheet (PDF)


Animal Habitats – recording where animals live and their habitats.

Grades: 4-7

Friendship Questionnarie (PDF)


Friendship Questionnaire – a questionnaire which lets students examine the importance of friendship.

Grades: 4-7

Family Tree Activity Sheet (PDF)


Family Tree – activity sheet for plotting a student’s family tree.

Grades: 4-7

Planning a Theme Based Unit (PDF)


Planning a Theme Based Unit – a comprehensive booklet to assist teachers in planning theme based units.

Grades: 2-4

Word Game: Morphing Activity Sheet (PDF)


In this word game, students are challenged to morph words into new ones.  Ex) How does the word “boy” become “man” by changing one letter at a time in three steps?

Grades: 5-12

Word Game: Adding Letters Activity Sheet (PDF)


In this word game, students are challenged to start with one letter and then add letters one at a time to make a 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. letter word.

Grades: 5-12

The Recess Queen Worksheet (PDF)


The Recess Queen – word puzzle based on the picture book.  Students who have not read the picture book can still complete this activity.

Grades: 2-4

Picture Words Worksheet (PDF)


Picture Words – describing something using words and illustrations.

Grades: 3-6

Same/Different Worksheet (PDF)


Same/Different –  considering the similarities and differences of two characters.

Grades: 3-6

Problems and Solutions Worksheet (PDF)


Problems and Solutions – exploring a character’s problem and solution.

Grades: 3-6

Inside/Outside Circle Worksheet (PDF)


Inside/Outside Circle – recording a character’s characteristics.

Grades: 3-6

Feelings Worksheet (PDF)


Feelings – examining the feelings of a character in a story.

Grades 3-6