ISBN: 1-895110-65-3

From Time Immemorial


From Time Immemorial provides an honest and up-to-date survey of the history of the coastal First Nations from pre-contact to the present. From Time Immemorial meets or exceeds all of the Learning Standards for the new BC Grade 3 Social Studies curriculum and the First Nations content for grades 4-8.

Grades 3-8

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Diane Silvey

Pacific Edge Publishing

Also available in French

92 pp, softcover, colour illustrations, photos, and maps

Level: Grades  3-8


From Time Immemorial provides an honest and up-to-date survey of the history of the coastal First Nations from pre-contact to the present. The culture of the coastal people was highly complex. Although there were many similarities, there were also many differences among the groups who shared the wealth of their life-sustaining environment.

From Time Immemorial has been recommended by the First Nations Education Steering Committee of BC as an “authentic First Peoples text that meets provincial standards and reflects First Peoples knowledge and perspectives in a respective way.

It has also been recommended by Literacy BC: “It’s easy to see why this text, which is accessible for fundamental level students, was also awarded the British Columbia 2000 Book Award.” Jan Weiten notes, “Pacific Edge Publishing is to be commended for publishing such an ambitious project. Both Diane and Joe Silvey have honoured the spirit and history of First Nations people, and they should be proud of themselves. This is definitely an asset to any classroom.

This book provides a broad overview of traditional ways common to a large number of diverse groups. It encourages readers to learn more about particular groups who, long ago, walked the shorelines and forest trails of the Pacific Northwest (See Sample Chapter link below).

From Time Immemorial meets or exceeds all of the Learning Standards for the new BC Grade 3 Social Studies curriculum and the First Nations content for grades 4-8 (See Learning Standards Chart link below):

– Learning about indigenous peoples nurtures multicultural awareness and respect for diversity
– People from diverse cultures and societies share some common experiences and aspects of life.
– Indigenous knowledge is passed down through oral history, traditions, and collective memory.
– Indigenous societies throughout the world value the well-being of the self, the land, spirits, and ancestors.



First Nations author Diane Silvey brought extensive research, her experience as an elementary school teacher and her passion for educating students about her people’s history to the text. Illustrator Joe Silvey adds his perspective as a First Nations artist; together they shared their commitment to knowledge, understanding and empathy as the basis for a new relationship between First Nations people and their non-native neighbours.

View the Learning Standards Chart.

View a Sample Chapter.


Table of Contents

Special Features include:
– Before You Read: suggests pre-reading activities.
– Looking Ahead: provides an overview of the content of the chapter.
– First Nations Today: raises awareness of the issues facing First Nations in the present.
– Ask the Elders: encourages students to learn about the unique characteristics of local First Nations.
– Stories: First Nation’s stories based on traditional values
– What Do You Think: invites students to express their opinions about relevant issues.
– Looking Back: summarizes the content of the chapter.
– After You Read: suggest activities that review or extend the content of the chapter.
– 121 Illustrations and Photos: illustrate the culture and lifestyle of the West Coast First Nations.

Additional information

Weight 0.500 kg
Dimensions 11 × 8.5 × .25 in

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From Time Immemorial: Teacher’s Guide (PDF)


This Teacher’s Guide provides support materials for From Time Immemorial to address 100% of the Learning Standards for the new Grade 3 BC Social Studies curriculum and First Nations content for grades 4-8.