From Time Immemorial – French Version (PDF)


From Time Immemorial provides an honest and up-to-date survey of the history of the coastal First Nations from pre-contact to the present. From Time Immemorial meets or exceeds all of the Learning Standards for the new BC Grade 3 Social Studies curriculum and the First Nations content for grades 4-8.

Grades 3-8

From Time Immemorial


From Time Immemorial provides an honest and up-to-date survey of the history of the coastal First Nations from pre-contact to the present. From Time Immemorial meets or exceeds all of the Learning Standards for the new BC Grade 3 Social Studies curriculum and the First Nations content for grades 4-8.

Grades 3-8

From Time Immemorial: Teacher’s Guide (PDF)


This Teacher’s Guide provides support materials for From Time Immemorial to address 100% of the Learning Standards for the new Grade 3 BC Social Studies curriculum and First Nations content for grades 4-8.

From Time Immemorial Teacher’s Guide – French Version (PDF)


This Teacher’s Guide provides support materials for From Time Immemorial to address 100% of the Learning Standards for the new Grade 3 BC Social Studies curriculum and First Nations content for grades 4-8.