A School of Readers – Book Two (PDF)


An educational resource for a student centred reading program.

Grades 7-12

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Maryam Moayeri & Jean Lawrence

Pacific Edge Publishing

594 pp, punched, blackline masters

Level: Grades 7-12


A School of Readers – Book Two is an educational resource for a student centred reading program for grades 7-12. The program encourages reading by providing teachers with a large selection of book tests which can be used to check on completion and comprehension of selected novels. Its goal is to encourage students to increase the number and variety of books they read without creating an unmanageable marking load for teachers.



The literature list selected for this resource incorporates cultural diversity and assorted interests to appeal to all students. The readability ranges from middles school years to university level to meet teachers’ increasing challenge of stimulating students’ different intellectual needs.


Table of Contents

Preview Table of Contents (in PDF format).