The Sixth Street Wetland Detectives


The Nature Detectives Series is a set of five books. Each book introduces children to one of five fascinating ecosystems designed to address the grades 2 to 4 learning standards in the BC Science curriculum.

The Central School Seashore Detectives


The Nature Detectives Series is a set of five books. Each book introduces children to one of five fascinating ecosystems designed to address the grades 2 to 4 learning standards in the BC Science curriculum.

The Kingfisher Camp River Detectives


The Nature Detectives Series is a set of five books. Each book introduces children to one of five fascinating ecosystems designed to address the grades 2 to 4 learning standards in the BC Science curriculum.

The Gibson Park Grassland Detectives


The Nature Detectives Series is a set of five books. Each book introduces children to one of five fascinating ecosystems designed to address the grades 2 to 4 learning standards in the BC Science curriculum.

From Time Immemorial


From Time Immemorial provides an honest and up-to-date survey of the history of the coastal First Nations from pre-contact to the present. From Time Immemorial meets or exceeds all of the Learning Standards for the new BC Grade 3 Social Studies curriculum and the First Nations content for grades 4-8.

Grades 3-8