The Gibson Park Grassland Detectives


The Nature Detectives Series is a set of five books. Each book introduces children to one of five fascinating ecosystems designed to address the grades 2 to 4 learning standards in the BC Science curriculum.

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Diane Swanson

Pacific Edge Publishing

48 pp. softcover, full colour illustrations

Level: Grades 2-4


Written by award winning BC author, Diane Swanson, the Nature Detectives Series tells the stories of groups of adventurous nature detectives as they discover the life in five ecosystems: forest, seashore, wetland, grassland and river. These fact-filled books provide primary teachers with a language-based resource from which Science and Language Arts can be extended across the curriculum.

Each book introduces children to one of five fascinating ecosystems. The books show how plants and animals interact and adapt themselves to specific ecosystems. They show how living things depend on non-living things, such as water, light, and soil. The books also present examples of fossil life, Indigenous peoples’ uses of elements from specific ecosystems, such as plants, and the ways people harm — and help — ecosystems. By the end of each book, children have a new appreciation for an important ecosystem.

Click to view: BC Learning Standards Correlation Chart

Click to view: Sample Pages


The Nature Detectives Series is a set of five books and five teacher’s guides designed to address the grades 2 to 4 learning standards in the BC Science curriculum.


Table of Contents

Each text includes:


  • an examination of the diversity of plants and animals
  • how plants and animals have adapted themselves to their environment
  • how plants and animals interact with each other
  • an examination of the life cycles of specific plants and animals
  • a comparison of fossils with plants and animals
  • a look at the causes and effects of extinction and endangerment of plants and animals
  • information about Indigenous peoples’ use of plants and animals in each
  • ecosystem
  • glossary and index


    Additional information

    Weight .118 kg
    Dimensions 9 × 6 × .25 in

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    The Gibson Park Grassland Detectives – Teachers Guide PDF


    Each guide provides excellent support materials to meet the learning standards for the development of skills and the acquisition of knowledge. The guides facilitate the integrative teaching of Language Arts, Science and Social Studies.